FGSA Minors & Juniors Division
KP Partnership FAQ - Spring 2023
We’re delighted to announce that this season, FGSA’s Minors and Juniors Divisions (Grades 3-6) will partner with the King Philip town softball leagues!
We’ve created an FAQ to answer any questions you may have.
Q: Why is our league partnering with teams from Norfolk, Plainville, and Wrentham?
A: Historically Franklin has formed 3-4 teams each in the Minors and Juniors Divisions. Partnering with the KP towns allows us to increase the variety of competition our teams face throughout the season, providing a better overall experience for our players, whether they are new to softball or returning. Each division will have a total of 7-10 teams.
Q: When does the season start?
A: FGSA Spring season games for Minors and Juniors (and Seniors) will start on Saturday, April 22nd. Our Opening Day festival is on Saturday, April 29th, and games will be held in the afternoon that day.
Q: When will the season end? When are playoffs?
A: We plan for regular season games to end by Friday, June 9. Playoffs will be held for each town separately. FGSA playoffs will take place the week of June 12.
Q: What days of the week will we have practice/games?
A: There will be 2-3 games per week (usually 3) on the following days:
Minors Division - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays;
Juniors Division - Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
To maximize practice opportunities, coaches may schedule practices on days with a bye. Make sure to check out and sign up for Minors and Juniors preseason practices taking place in March and April! You can register for Winter Clinics and Preseason Practices here:
Q: What times are games?
A: Saturday games have historically been at 9am for Juniors and 3:30pm for Minors. We intend to keep this schedule as much as possible with some potential exceptions due to field availability. Weekday games will be at 6pm.
Q: Where will games be held?
A: All FGSA Minors and Juniors teams will play home games at Pisani Fields. Away games will take place at fields in Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville. For weekdays, we will do our best to limit away games to one per week. Depending on where you live in Franklin, the drive to the away fields may be the same, shorter, or just a bit further. Here are the away field locations:
Norfolk: Freeman-Kennedy School (Boardman Street)
Wrentham: Gilpatrick (Sweatt Fields)
Plainville: PAL Complex (George Street/Everett Skinner Road)
Q: What if my daughter has a recurring conflict on a particular day of the week?
A: Please email your Division Director ASAP (see details below) with this information. We will take conflicts into account as we set rosters. We are eager to make this work for our players and their families.
Q: I have more questions. Who should I contact?
A: Email your Division Director (see details below). If your question is not specific to the upcoming season or a particular division, please contact [email protected].
For specific questions, reach out to your Division Director:
Jill Beauregard, Juniors (Grades 5-6) - [email protected], or
Matt Sherlock, Minors (Grades 3-4) - [email protected].
For general questions, please email [email protected].